Monday, February 2, 2009

Month Two - Week One - Day One

Wow, so the first month was a bust! I'm at 261.5 this morning, so no improvement there.

The Steelers won the Super Bowl - that makes me happy! The online company I filed my taxes with messed everything up, so I have to start over from scratch.

I've paid my bills this pay period and may have enough to get through until the next paycheck, so that's definitely a bonus.

I've planned a trip home and I get to see my two best friends, and I don't have to take any time off! That is a HUGE bonus and a blessing and I'm so appreciative. I'll also get to spend some time with my grandparents and relax a bit. I'm really thankful. Did I mention I don't have to use any of my coveted vacation days?

What else? Hm. I'm going to the gym after work. I have some books about collage and I'm going to try to make it happen. I worked a couple of days last week organizing my closet and bedroom and while I still have a LONG way to go I'm closer than before and things are looking better.

Going out to dinner with family tonight. Food gets a lot more strict tomorrow.

Life is good. I need to remember that. Oh, and we saw the Wrestler this weekend and it broke my heart into a million billion pieces.

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